Imprints into Dance
Imprints Into Dance
August 4-9, 2024 | Vendôme, France International residential Open Floor workshopwith Lucie Nerot
This summer workshop is a yearly encounter around dance, poetry, nature and creativity.
I have always loved the word “imprints” : the imprints left in the sand, washed away by the sea, the imprints of prehistoric hands in caves, the imprint of my 4 year old little hands in clay. I very early on felt the power of imprints, some ephemeral, others engraved in our cells, for better or for worse. We can always journey with them, and powerful experiences, in dance, in creation,
in connection will create new pathways, new imprints.
For 5 days, we will dance, explore the imprints we carry, give them space for embodiment, to be held and transformed. We will also nourish our creations, ephemeral and lasting and open to the mystery of the present moment.
Venue : La Picotière, close to Vendôme, a 45 minute TGV ride from Paris Price : Early bird 380 € – before June 1st, then 430 €
+ Room & Board : 400 € for the whole workshop for a shared bedroom. A few single rooms available for 525 €.